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VACTERL Association
VACTERL Association is collection of birth defects affecting different systems of the body. Each letter represents a different abnormality. To be diagnosed with VACTERL there must be three (3) or more conditions identified.
V: Vertebral Abnormalities:
congenital scoliosis​
caudal regression
spina bifida
missing bones in sacrum
and more
A: Anorectal Malformations:
Anal Atresia/Imperforate Anus​
C: Cardiac
hole in the heart​
other Cardiac problems
TE: Tracheo-oesophageal fistula
oesophageol atresia​
R: Renal anomalies, radial limb abnormailites
L: Limb abnormalities
other limb abnormalities
(Source: Radiopaedia, 2018)
Occurance rate: it is estimated to occur once in every 10,000 to 40,000 births (U.S National Library of Medicine - Genetic Home Reference, 2018)
Cause: Due to sporadic occurance with no family history of the condition, there is no one factor that can be identified as a cause of VACTERL. There are no consistent or specific genetic abnormalities that can be linked as the cause. (Genetic And Rare Diseases Information Centre, 2018)
Treatment: Every case is different, and treatment will be determined by the medical team based on the severity of each clinical feature.

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